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About Us

Liz Lafavor

Personal Trainer and Nutritional Specialist

I believe that everyone is different! Everyone has there own way of making life work for them. I struggled with my weight as a kid and even into adult hood. My preganancies had me balloned to almsot 200lbs, my knees were so bad I couldnt walk around the food store without being in tremendous pain. Just recently (Nov. 2014) I was diagnosed with scoliosis and some spinal stenosis. I tell you all this to show you that everyone has their issues/ their past, and that you can move past them.
I am a USAPL Powerlifter 56kg weightclass (I pick things up and put them down ;P) My passion is lifting. (Also eating!! I love to eat!)

When it comes to working out and eating healthy I've heard it all, "I don't have time to exercise" "I have bad (insert joint here)"  "I eat healthy, I dont uniderstand why I cant lose weight" and so many more! But you, your different. For you these are not excuses but merely obsticals to overcome in your journey to a better you. How do I know this? Because your here, looking for the best way to achieve your goals. This is where I come into the picture. I know your ready to stop the excuses and become dedicated to the number one person in your life, YOU! Your ready to make those changes to your lifstyle to FINALLY hit your goals.
      In your journey so far you might have tried in the past to achieve your goals, you might have even succeeded in reaching your goal. But life, I'm sure, has thrown curve balls at you left and right. You've dodge a few, fell off the band wagon and tried to pick your self back up. But maybe you havent recovered as well as you would like and are struggling to get back what you lost. I'm here to help you!! Im here to let you know that YOU CAN DO IT!! With proper guidance your obstacles become less of a mountain and more of a mole hill. Think of me as your co-pilot, your wingman... your coach. Because Im here to help coach you through your obstacles so you can get those goals and SMASH them.
So what are you waiting for, LETS DO THIS!!   


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